Kellett Cares is our umbrella name for the external charities the school supports, and fundraising happens across the school year in a wide variety of ways

From the start of the 2024-25 academic year, under the Kellett Cares umbrella, each school will have one charity that they support across an academic year. These charities will rotate through the schools so that Kellett collectively has a three-year partnership with each NGO. This will enable deeper engagement with the charities and student leaders will be involved in passing on information to the next partner school. In addition, one global whole school charity will be supported for three years.

The charities, chosen by our students are as follows;
- Whole school charity: UNICEF
- PFL Prep: WWF HK
- KLB Prep: Plastic Free Seas
- Senior:  Love21

Pre-Loved Uniform Sales
Many thanks to parents who purchased pre-loved uniform(PLU). All profit raised from the sale of PLU goes to Kellett Cares will be earmarked for UNICEF.

"We are excited to work with Plastic Free Seas at KLB Prep. Students will have meaningful insight into environmental conservation allowing them to become environmentally conscious individuals who make a positive impact on our planet.
Dean Penney, Assistant Head of KLB Prep School. 


Thank you for your support to Kellett Cares.