Leaving Notice

If at any time after acceptance of a school place, a child leaves school permanently (or does not start school), written notice is required by the dates set out below to avoid payment of penalty fees.

  • If a child leaves at Christmas, notice should be given on or before 1 September
  • If a child leaves at Easter, notice should be given on or before 7 January
  • If a child leaves at the end of the academic year, notice should be given on or before 23 March 
  • If a child leaves school without giving proper notice or has given insufficient notice, one whole term’s fees are added to the amount due. Such extra fees may be deducted from any monies due from the school to the parent or the employer.

Leaving Kellett School

Parents should submit the Formal Notification of Withdrawal Form to the Admissions Team prior to the required deadline dates as stated above. In the event that formal notice is not received in the manner prescribed by Kellett School, one term’s fees are payable in lieu of notice.

School Transfer Support

For reference, the Policy on Transferring to other schools in HK and overseas is available to Kellett Parents.

In the event;

  • Parents can demonstrate that the family is permanently relocating from Hong Kong transfer advice and support is available from Kellett School via the admissions office.
  • The family is to remain resident in Hong Kong and a student is to continue their education in another Hong Kong school or an overseas school, Kellett School will provide a single Kellett School Standard transfer report. Additional reports and/or specific additional reports written to individual school formats are chargeable.

All requests for transfer reports must be made via the Admissions Office. Parents should not approach or harass individual teachers in order to provide transfer or scholarship reports. Documents not endorsed by the Admissions Office are not Kellett School Transfer Reports.

Reports are sent directly to the school concerned; copies are not provided to School Placement Agents.

Parents who are to remain resident in Hong Kong wishing to seek overseas boarding places for their children are encouraged to contact the preferred schools directly for advice via the respective school’s/schools’ Admissions Office.

Invigilation services for overseas schools entry examinations are provided by The British Council, Hong Kong.

The reference to a "parent" in this Policy is to the authorised parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) of the child.